This course, Early Intervention's American Sign Language for Families and Children - Level 5, (EIASL-Level 5), is designed for families and children, who completed the Early Intervention's American Sign Language courses - Level 1, 2, 3 and 4.
For this course, families and children will 1) fingerspell alphabet and numbers, 2) produce some signings that cover different contents; such as, trip to the mountain, foods, everyday things we do (active verb), rocky mountain animals, outdoor activities, & 3) tell a short book story, "The Three Little Kitten", in American Sign Language.
Early Intervention’s American Sign Language for Early Interventionists – Level 4, (EIASL/EI-Level 4)
The statewide Early Intervention Services with the SCSDB's Division of Outreach Services provides its Visual Communication curriculum that is designed for early interventionists, who work with families and children who are deaf, not only to learn how to communicate via American Sign Language with them effectively, but also to be able to recognize and evaluate each child’s language acquisition via American Sign Language. This course, Early Intervention's American Sign Language for Early Interventionists - Level 4, (EIASL/EI-Level 4), is designed for early interventionists who completed the courses, EIASL/EI-Level 1, 2, & 3.
For this course, early interventionists will 1) fingerspell alphabet and numbers, 2) produce more than 700 signings that cover different contents; such as, trip to the beach, foods for dinner, kitchen furniture, quantity of foods, Health II, ocean animals, description of depth & distance, birthday party and trip to the amusement park, & 3) tell a short book story, "The Little Red Hen", written by Jerry Pinkney, in American Sign Language.
Early Intervention's American Sign Language for Early Interventionists - Level 3, (EIASL/EI-Level 3)
The statewide Early Intervention Services with the SCSDB's Division of Outreach Services provides its Visual Communication curriculum that is designed for early interventionists, who work with families and children who are deaf, not only to learn how to communicate via American Sign Language with them effectively, but also to be able to recognize and evaluate each child’s language acquisition via American Sign Language. This course, Early Intervention's American Sign Language for Early Interventionists - Level 3, (EIASL/EI-Level 3), is designed for early interventionists who completed the courses, EIASL/EI-Level 1 & 2.
In this course, Early Intervention's American Sign Language for Early Interventionists - Level 3, (EIASL/EI-Level 3), early interventionists will 1) fingerspell both alphabet and numbers from 40 to 60, 2) produce approximately 315 signings, or more, for everyday activities, emotions, lunch, utensils, manners, kitchen, health issues, zoo animals, sizes, things that go (transportation), quality of speed, genders, clothes during season, and holidays, and 3) tell a short book story, "Is Your Mom a Llama?," written by Deborah Guarino, in American Sign Language.
Early Intervention's American Sign Language for Early Interventionists - Level 2, (EIASL/EI-Level 2)
The statewide Early Intervention Services with the SCSDB's Division of Outreach Services provides its Visual Communication curriculum that is designed for early interventionists, who work with families and children who are deaf, not only to learn how to communicate via American Sign Language with them effectively, but also to be able to recognize and evaluate each child’s language acquisition via American Sign Language.
In this course, Early Intervention's American Sign Language for Early Interventionists - Level 2, (EIASLEI-Level 2), early interventionists will: 1) fingerspell both alphabet and numbers from 1 to 40, 2) produce approximately 307 signs, or more, for possession, day-parts, feelings, breakfast, fruits, quality of chewing & tasting, bedtime, body, forest animals, quantity, playtime, safety, gender, clothes and holidays, 3) sign some nursery songs, and 4) tell a short book story, "The Very Hungry Caterpillar," written by Eric Carle, in American Sign Language.
- Teacher: Elaine Gentry
Early Intervention's American Sign Language for Early Interventionists - Level 1, (EIASL/EI-Level 1)
The statewide Early Intervention Services with the SCSDB's Division of Outreach Services provides its Visual Communication curriculum that is designed for early interventionists who work with families and children, who are deaf, not only to learn how to communicate via American Sign Language with them effectively, but also to be able to recognize and evaluate each child’s language acquisition via American Sign Language.
In this course, Early Intervention's American Sign Language for Early Interventionists - Level 1 (EIASL/EI-Level 1), early interventionists will 1) fingerspell both alphabet and numbers, 2) produce approximately 304 signings, or more, for first signs, mealtime, bedtime, farm animals, colors, playtime, extended family, holidays and clothes/dressing, 3) sign six nursery songs, and 4) learn some tips on how to do the book storytelling and principles for reading to deaf children.
- Teacher: Elaine Gentry
This course, Early Intervention's American Sign Language for Families and Children - Level 3, (EIASL-Level 3), is designed for family members who completed the courses, EIASL-Level 1 & 2.
For this course, families and children will 1) fingerspell both alphabet and numbers from 40 to 60, 2) produce approximately 315 signings, or more, for everyday activities, emotions, lunch, utensils, manners, kitchen, health issues, zoo animals, sizes, things that go (transportation), quality of speed, genders, clothes during season, and holidays, and 3) tell a short book story, "Is Your Mom a Llama?," written by Deborah Guarino, in American Sign Language.
- Teacher: Elaine Gentry
This course, EIASL-Level 2, is designed for family members who completed the EIASL-Level 1.
Families and children will 1) fingerspell both alphabet and numbers from 1 to 40, 2) produce approximately 307 signs, or more, for possession, day-parts, feelings, breakfast, fruits, quality of chewing & tasting, bedtime, body, forest animals, quantity, playtime, safety, gender, clothes and holidays, 3) sign some nursery songs, and 4) tell a short book story, "The Very Hungry Caterpillar," written by Eric Carle, in American Sign Language.
- Teacher: Elaine Gentry
This course, Early Intervention's American Sign Language - Level 4, (EIASL-Level 4), is designed for families and children, who completed the Early Intervention's American Sign Language courses - Level 1, 2 and 3.
For this course, families and children will 1) fingerspell alphabet and numbers, 2) produce more than 700 signings that cover different contents; such as, trip to the beach, foods for dinner, kitchen furniture, quantity of foods, Health II, ocean animals, description of depth & distance, birthday party and trip to the amusement park, & 3) tell a short book story, "The Little Red Hen", written by Jerry Pinkney, in American Sign Language.
- Teacher: Elaine Gentry
- Teacher: Elaine Gentry
This course, Early Intervention's American Sign Language for Families and Children - Level 1, (EIASL-Level 1), is designed for families, who have never taken any Early Intervention American Sign Language (EIASL) course before.
Families and children will 1) fingerspell both alphabet and numbers, 2) produce approximately 304 signs, or more, for first signs, mealtime, bedtime, farm animals, colors, playtime, extended family, holidays and clothes/dressing, 3) sign six nursery songs, and 4) learn some tips on how to do the book storytelling and principles for reading to deaf children.